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Признание дипломов из Израиля.

Добавлено: Пн сен 10, 2007 11:18 am
Признает ли Канада дипломы из Израиля?Если нет,то как проходит процесс эвалюации по сравнению с оьразованием полученным в СНГ.Буду благодарен за ответ.

Добавлено: Вт сен 11, 2007 1:01 am
One of the earlier threads on this forum mentions

You can definitely get credit for your foreign credentials. What happens next depends on the industry you want to work in. If you want to work for the government, they will treat you like they would treat someone with a Canadian BA (if the above organization concludes that your degree is equivalent to a BA). In other industries, you will not be taken seriously, until you get a Canadian MA, or get some other Canadian diploma.