Где пройти профтест в Торонто?
- Tekila
- Interested
- Сообщения: 20
- Зарегистрирован: Пт дек 02, 2005 2:13 pm
- Откуда: Toronto
- Контактная информация:
Где пройти профтест в Торонто?
Кто знает, с чего это начинать? Знаю, что есть такие типа курсы, где можно потестироваться, и даже бесплатно. Вот хочу, а куда обращаться - не знаю
- Старый Ко
- Коверный
- Сообщения: 5661
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 11, 2007 10:05 am
- Откуда: Шапито Милтон Онтарио (выступает в антрактах)
- Контактная информация:
How long will it take to get my credentials assessed, and how much will it cost?
The assessment of your educational and professional credentials can take anywhere from two to eight weeks. If you do not have all of your documents ready, it may take longer. Visit the Getting Started checklist which will help you prepare the documents you need. Contact the regulatory body for your profession in your province or territory to find out what you need and how long it might take. If you work in a non-regulated occupation, contact one of the credential assessment and recognition agencies.
The fee for having your credentials assessed also varies according to where you live and what the regulatory body for your profession requires. Fees usually start at about $100 for a basic assessment and can be more than $300.
What is a regulated profession?
In Canada, some professions set their own standards of practice. These are called regulated professions. They set standards to protect the public.
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety. For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions. People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province or territory where they live.
Regulated professions are most commonly found in the following occupational fields:
health care
dental care
financial services
law and legal services
If you want to work in a regulated occupation and use a regulated title, you MUST have a licence or certificate or be registered with the regulatory body for your occupation. Some occupations are regulated in some provinces or territories but not regulated in others.
What is a regulatory body?
A regulatory body is an organization that sets the standards and practices of a profession.
For example, the College of Nurses of Ontario makes sure that its members are qualified to do a nurse's job. It also makes sure that members keep up their qualifications.
How long will it take to get my credentials assessed, and how much will it cost?
The assessment of your educational and professional credentials can take anywhere from two to eight weeks. If you do not have all of your documents ready, it may take longer. Visit the Getting Started checklist which will help you prepare the documents you need. Contact the regulatory body for your profession in your province or territory to find out what you need and how long it might take. If you work in a non-regulated occupation, contact one of the credential assessment and recognition agencies.
The fee for having your credentials assessed also varies according to where you live and what the regulatory body for your profession requires. Fees usually start at about $100 for a basic assessment and can be more than $300.
What is a regulated profession?
In Canada, some professions set their own standards of practice. These are called regulated professions. They set standards to protect the public.
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety. For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions. People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province or territory where they live.
Regulated professions are most commonly found in the following occupational fields:
health care
dental care
financial services
law and legal services
If you want to work in a regulated occupation and use a regulated title, you MUST have a licence or certificate or be registered with the regulatory body for your occupation. Some occupations are regulated in some provinces or territories but not regulated in others.
What is a regulatory body?
A regulatory body is an organization that sets the standards and practices of a profession.
For example, the College of Nurses of Ontario makes sure that its members are qualified to do a nurse's job. It also makes sure that members keep up their qualifications.
- Tekila
- Interested
- Сообщения: 20
- Зарегистрирован: Пт дек 02, 2005 2:13 pm
- Откуда: Toronto
- Контактная информация:
Старый Ко, спасибо, но credentials assessed - эт слегка не то... Тут бывает что-то типа курсов, или просто несколько занятий, не знаю, - где помогают определиться со сменой профессии. Тестируют на всякие склонности и таланты , а потом дают советы, какими профессиями подошло бы заниматься.
Неужели никто никогда не слышал?
Неужели никто никогда не слышал?