оказывается все так просто... не, надо все эту политическую и этих ничего не предпринимающих предпринимателей того на свалку... "Ремантадин" и все... и без укола....Альберт A писал(а): "Ремантадин" (ну, не сочтите за рекламу), который до сих пор лучше других помогает справиться с гриппом группы "А". Свинной, как помните той же группы.
И будте здоровы!
Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
- Maniac
- Сообщения: 3623
- Зарегистрирован: Ср мар 29, 2006 4:01 pm
- Откуда: Торонто, город-сад
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
А где ж его в Канаде достать-то?!Альберт A писал(а):Есть старый, проверенный и оч дешевый препарат "Ремантадин" (ну, не сочтите за рекламу), который до сих пор лучше других помогает справиться с гриппом группы "А". Свинной, как помните той же группы.
- Addicted
- Сообщения: 150
- Зарегистрирован: Сб окт 14, 2006 9:56 am
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Как то если вспомнить или почитать про 60-80г прошлого века было спокойней сгриппом были смерти и эпидемии но какие-то мирные что-ли......может всё таки бизнесс.....да и теми лекарствами страны сравлялись
- Старый Ко
- Коверный
- Сообщения: 5661
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 11, 2007 10:05 am
- Откуда: Шапито Милтон Онтарио (выступает в антрактах)
- Контактная информация:
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Странно, сегодня по радио приводят слова какого-то доктора из Виннипега. Слышал несколько раз в течении дня на двух станциях.
Его взгляд несколько отличается от официального.
А в интернете ничего не могу найти.
Вот только это пока.
http://www.edmontonjournal.com/health/S ... story.html
Его взгляд несколько отличается от официального.
А в интернете ничего не могу найти.
Вот только это пока.
http://www.edmontonjournal.com/health/S ... story.html
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Вся эта история с непроверенной вакцинацией натолкнула меня на одну, не очень гениальную, но всё же мысль. На протяжении 2х лет, как-то активно выпускались фильмы о всяких там модифицированых вирусах, которые уничтожали планету. В часности, вспомнился, так широко разрекламированный фильм "Я-Легенда". Там тоже все начиналось с того, что создали лекарство от рака (кажеться), а потом все люди привратились в зомби....Может таким количеством фильмов на одну тематику кто-то на что-то пытался намякнуть
Безвыходных ситуаций не бывает, бывают ситуации выход из которых нас не устраивает.
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Популярные фильмы давно уже начали использовать в качестве длинных, полнометражных рекламных роликов. Рекламщики работают на кого? На продавцов всякой дряни. А что делает реклама? Внушает покупателям, что какая-то дрянь им очень нужна. А когда нам нужна всякая дрянь в виде таблеток и уколов? Когда мы боимся заболеть. Значит надо што? Запугать всех доусёра.Nastiok писал(а):Может таким количеством фильмов на одну тематику кто-то на что-то пытался намякнуть
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Ну если уж вспоминать прошлый век то можно вспомнить и 18 год, там счет жертв шел на миллионы и принципиально новых антивирусных лекарств с тех пор не появилось. Вот и боятся, только на прививки и надежда. Другое дело что сейчас-то уже ясно что это не тот случай и пора прекратить панику.Одинокий Ветер писал(а):Как то если вспомнить или почитать про 60-80г прошлого века было спокойней сгриппом были смерти и эпидемии но какие-то мирные что-ли......может всё таки бизнесс.....да и теми лекарствами страны сравлялись
"You did not persuade me, Nicholas. You did not persuade me!" (c) The Last King of Scotland
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
На прививки как раз надеяться сильно не надо. Пара примеровSLS писал(а):[Ну если уж вспоминать прошлый век то можно вспомнить и 18 год, там счет жертв шел на миллионы и принципиально новых антивирусных лекарств с тех пор не появилось. Вот и боятся, только на прививки и надежда
1) Раньше коклюш и скарлатина были распостраненными и очень опастными болезнями. Сейчас обе болячки всречаются редко. При том, что от коклюша есть привика, а от скарлатины - нет и никогда не было.
2) Переболев натуральной ветрянкой вы получите пожизненный иммунитет. Прививка от ветрянки лишь дает повышение иммунитета (все равно есть шанс заболеть) на несколько лет. Потом опять нужна "доза".
В сокрашении заболеваний ведущую роль играли не прививки, а улучшение условий жизни, питания, доступность мед. обслуживания. К 1945 году детская смертнойсть от дифтерита, коклюша, скарлатины и кори упала на 95%. Это случилось ДО введения программы массовых прививок.
Когда 10 человек живут в одной комнате, не имея полноценного разнообразного питания (богатого витаминами), работая по 16 часов почти без выходных, особо не моясь и не кипятя воду для питья - это просто пороховая бочка, куда нужен только один вирус, чтобы вспыхнула эпидемия. А когда скученности населения нет, но есть гарантированный больничный, хорошая еда, личная гигиена, доступная медицина и отдельная компната для случайно заболевшего (да еще с регулярной влажной уборкой) - вирусу приходится ой как несладко,
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
WalMart пока что продаёт только это средство от свинного гриппа.Apasholimenos писал(а):А где ж его в Канаде достать-то?!Альберт A писал(а):Есть старый, проверенный и оч дешевый препарат "Ремантадин"
http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng ... ery=casket
- vadimus
- Свiдомий манiак
- Сообщения: 2940
- Зарегистрирован: Вс авг 06, 2006 6:23 am
- Откуда: Ottawa
- Контактная информация:
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
И че, многим помогло уже?JT писал(а):WalMart пока что продаёт только это средство от свинного гриппа.Apasholimenos писал(а):А где ж его в Канаде достать-то?!Альберт A писал(а):Есть старый, проверенный и оч дешевый препарат "Ремантадин"
http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng ... ery=casket
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Потом дороже будет.vadimus писал(а):И че, многим помогло уже?JT писал(а):WalMart пока что продаёт только это средство от свинного гриппа.
http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng ... ery=casket
- vadimus
- Свiдомий манiак
- Сообщения: 2940
- Зарегистрирован: Вс авг 06, 2006 6:23 am
- Откуда: Ottawa
- Контактная информация:
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
На Блуре в районе Ройал Йорк есть кладбище. Так вот, там на заборе висит реклама: Свободные места! Спешите!JT писал(а):Потом дороже будет.vadimus писал(а):И че, многим помогло уже?JT писал(а):WalMart пока что продаёт только это средство от свинного гриппа.
http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng ... ery=casket
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Я не знала, что проблема приняла такой резкий поворот в Украине. Мне друзья сказали, что только во Львове умерло 27 человек, и по области около 10ти. А сегодня ночью, по неофициальным данным (со слов моей подруги там) с неба опрыскивали город. Чем Вакциной??? Школы уходят на 3 недели в карантин, кинотеатры, и другие места массового скопления закрываються. Ограничивают движения людей с трьох наиболее заразных областей в другие области. Я в шоке. Мы сдесь рассуждаем, кто что думает насчет серйозности положения в общем, а там реальная паника в стране Или это очередной трюк правительства, что бы показать перед выборами как быстро и эффективно они умеют справляться с критическими ситуациями
Безвыходных ситуаций не бывает, бывают ситуации выход из которых нас не устраивает.
- vadimus
- Свiдомий манiак
- Сообщения: 2940
- Зарегистрирован: Вс авг 06, 2006 6:23 am
- Откуда: Ottawa
- Контактная информация:
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Скорее всего!Nastiok писал(а): Или это очередной трюк правительства, что бы показать перед выборами как быстро и эффективно они умеют справляться с критическими ситуациями
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Людей жалко. Им приходться слышать по новостям как все х...о (пардон за мой французкий), сколько людей гибнет, что на улицы не высовываться, деньги на лекарства копить и всем вместе петь оды правительству, которое, скорее всего под шумок захотело стибрить еще пару миллионов на предвыборную компанию А щас посмотрела, ведь действительно, в соседней Польше вообще ниодного смертельного случая нету.
Безвыходных ситуаций не бывает, бывают ситуации выход из которых нас не устраивает.
- vadimus
- Свiдомий манiак
- Сообщения: 2940
- Зарегистрирован: Вс авг 06, 2006 6:23 am
- Откуда: Ottawa
- Контактная информация:
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Nastiok писал(а):сегодня ночью, по неофициальным данным (со слов моей подруги там) с неба опрыскивали город. Чем Вакциной???
Сьогодні вночі Київська санітарноепідеміологічна служба буде проводити дезінфекцію повітря з гелікоптерів в Києві. Рекомендовано позакривати вікна і не виходити на двір до ранку завтрішнього дня. Можливі алергічні реакції при потраплянні дезінфектора в дихальні шляхи.
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Сегодня получил на работе от сотрудника, это подборка писем от фармацевтов и докторов:
Guys, I’m emailing you because I’m bloody
scared about something.
I created my facebook group for fun, and to use it to market my businesses to people. What I’m doing now totally kills my ability to do that, but I don’t care. This is important.
I’m a qualified pharmacist. I've been researching the swine flu vaccine that our government has bought for us (using our money, by the way) and
it’s DANGEROUS AS. It’s easy a hundred times more dangerous than the swine flu itself.
Something that freaked me out is that several swine flu vaccine manufacturers have asked governments to give them an exemption from lawsuits, in case the vaccine caused harm in people.
If you made a vaccine that you knew worked, then why would you need a legal exemption
in case it hurt people? Massive warning sign.
They don't believe it’s safe.
The swine flu itself has killed about 2/3000 people total.
The regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year - so why are we freaking out about swine
flu, and not normal flu? Does that make sense? No.
If the regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year, and the swine flu only killed 2/3 000 - then why are governments buying it in advance, giving it to us for free, and giving drug manufacturers immunity to legal cases against them?
Does that make sense? No.
The swine flu vaccine contains 2 horribly dangerous compounds - one is called thimerosol. It is made 50% of mercury. It binds to receptors in your brain, and basically causes brain damage. Is it smart to be
injected with thimerosol, and get brain damage, dropping 10 IQ points and going dumb, in order to avoid getting a flu that kills 95% less people than regular flu? no.
The other horrible in gredient is called squalene. Squalene accidentally tricks your immune system into killing your own cells, which creates
autoimmune diseases like asthma, multiple scelerosis, diabetes, and a
bunch of diseases that we don’t have a name for yet (because squalene hasn’t been used for that long, and we have little data on its effects) - is smart to inject yourself with that stuff, in order to avoid a relatively mild flu, like the swine flu? No.
If you're a pregnant mother about to take Panvax, ask yourself this -
why would you take Panvax, when it contains Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulphate - both of which exhibit positive risk to unborn children - so as to avoid what? A mild flu, that kills 95% fewer people than the regular flu?
Look, I’m a funny guy. Yeah, I make good face book groups. People join them by the thousands, and laugh. But I’m also a qualified pharmacist.
I scored in the top 0.1% of my state in school. I’m expert at critical analysis of drugs and their effects on humans. And let me be blunt – if someone came up to me with a syringe full of swine flu vaccine, or came near my family with one - I would take the needle off them and poke them with it myself - followed by several very hard punches.
This stuff is poison. Don't take it.
Don’t let your friends take it. Don't let your family take it. If some idiot in a lab coat asks you if you want it, ask them about thimerosol,
squalene, and why the company making it wants legal exemption from being
sued, and watch their face go into "omg im being asked serious questions that I don’t have the answer to" mode.
Anyway that’s all I have to say
George Mamouzellos
Bachelor of Pharmacy
University of South Australia
Subject: IMPORTANTswine flu information
Hi everyone...Dr. Russell Blaylock is a retired neurosurgeon.
Scroll down to read his article.. Also go to his website
(russellblaylockmd.com) and read his research summaries
on the general flu vaccine..
A collegue and friend just returned yesterday from a conference in Washington with the National vaccine Information Center . Please read this article and take it very seriously.
Dr. Jordan Plasker
An FYI on swine flu vaccine.
Please read and discuss with your doctor.
A friend sent me an email from Dr. Blaylock, which I have recopied below along with the link to his bio. I have also included the long article from his web site.
His email regarding the swine flu read:
"No one should take this vaccine - it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. The newsletter for August covers this and it may not be out yet. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). This virus H1N1 kills by causing a "cytokine storm", which means that it causes the body's immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have weakened immune systems) This vaccine is a very powerful immune stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality of the virus much greater.
One's best protection is vitamin D3...One should take 5000 IU a day now and when the disease begins to spread increase the dose to 15,000 IU a day. Vitamin D3 modulates the immune reaction, reducing the chance of an overreaction and stimulates the body to produce what are called antimicrobial peptides, which are powerful killers of viruses that does not involve immunity. This is dose related, which means the higher the dose of D3 the better the protection. Fish oils (the best is Carlson's Norwegian lemon flavored fish oil) also reduce immune overreaction. One teaspoon a day should be sufficient. For severe symptoms, one teaspoon twice a day. Antioxidants of various kinds also help.
Feel free to spread this around. People need to know to protect themselves.
http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/ (this is his bio)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dr. Russell Blaylock: Vaccine Maybe More Dangerous Than Flu
http://www.newsmax.com/health/vaccine_s ... 32717.html
Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 9:54 AM
By: Dr. Russell Blaylock
An outbreak of swine flu occurred in Mexico this spring that eventually affected 4,910 Mexican citizens and resulted in 85 deaths. By the time it spread to the United States , the virus caused only mild cases of flu-like illness.
Thanks to air travel and the failure of public health officials to control travel from Mexico , the virus spread worldwide. Despite predictions of massive numbers of deaths and the arrival of doomsday, the virus has remained a relatively mild disease, something we know happens each year with flu epidemics.
Worldwide, there have only been 311 deaths out of 70,893 cases of swine flu. In the United States , 27,717 cases have resulted in 127 deaths. Every death is a tragedy, but such a low death rate should not be the basis of a draconian government policy.
It is helpful to recall that the Centers for Disease Control with the collusion of the media, constantly tell us that 36,000 people die from the flu each year, a figure that has been shown to be a lie. In this case, we are talking about 300 plus deaths for the entire world.
This virus continues to be an enigma for virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virologist was quoted as saying,"Where the hell it got all these genes from we don't know." Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia . Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus.
Naturally, vaccine manufacturers have been in a competitive battle to produce the first vaccine. The main contenders have been Baxter Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, the latter of which recently acquired the scandal-ridden Chiron vaccine company. Both of these companies have had agreements with the World Health Organization to produce a pandemic vaccine.
The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, has had fast track approval. It uses a new vero cell technology, which utilizes cultured cells from the African green monkey. This same animal tissue transmits a number of vaccine-contaminating viruses, including the HIV virus.
The Baxter company has been associated with two deadly scandals. The first event occurred in 2006 when hemophiliac components were contaminated with HIV virus and injected in tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to release the HIV contaminated vaccine even after the contamination was known.
The second event occurred recently when it was discovered that Baxter had released a seasonal flu vaccine containing the bird flu virus, which would have produced a real world pandemic, to 18 countries. Fortunately, astute lab workers in the Czech Republic discovered the deadly combination and blew the whistle before a worldwide disaster was unleashed.
Despite these two deadly events, WHO maintains an agreement with Baxter Pharmaceuticals to produce the world's pandemic vaccine.
Novartis, the second contender, also has an agreement with WHO for a pandemic vaccine. Novartis appears to have won the contract, since their vaccine is near completion. What is terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients, called immune adjuvants that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.
Animal studies using this adjuvant have found them to be deadly. A study using 14 guinea pigs found that when they were injected with the special adjuvant, only one animal survived. A repeat of the study found the same deadly outcome.
So, what is this deadly ingredient? It is called squalene, a type of oil. The Chiron company, maker of the deadly anthrax vaccine, makes an adjuvant called MF-59 which contains two main ingredients of concernqualene and gp120. A number of studies have shown that squalene can trigger all of the above-mentioned autoimmune diseases when injected.
The MF-59 adjuvant has been used in several vaccines. These vaccines, including tetanus and diphtheria, are the same vaccines frequently associated with adverse reactions.
I reviewed a number of studies on this adjuvant and found something quite interesting. Several studies done on human test subjects found MF-59 to be a very safe immune adjuvant. But when I checked to see who did these studies, I foundo no surprisehat they were done by the Novartis Pharmaceutical Company and Chiron Pharmaceutical Company, which have merged. They were all published in "prestigious" medical journals. Also, to no surprise, a great number of studies done by independent laboratories and research institutions all found a strong link between MF-59 and autoimmune diseases.
Squalene in vaccines has been strongly linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. On August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart's inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease)..
Because squalene, the main ingredient in MF-59, can induce hyperimmune responses and induce autoimmunity, a real danger exists for prolonged activation of the brain's immune cells, the microglia. This type of prolonged activation has been strongly associated with such diseases as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ALS and possibly vaccine-related encephalitis. It has been shown that activation of the systemic immune system, as occurs with vaccination, rapidly activates the brain's microglia at the same time, and this brain inflammation can persist for long periods.
So, how would the gp120 get into the brain? Studies of other immune adjuvants using careful tracer techniques have shown that they routinely enter the brain following vaccination. What most people do not know, even the doctors who recommend the vaccines, is that most such studies by pharmaceutical companies observe the patients for only one to two weeks following vaccinationhese types of reactions may take months or even years to manifest.
It is obvious that the vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions of dollars in profits from this WHO/government-promoted pandemic. Novartis, the maker of the new pandemic vaccine, recently announced that they would not give free vaccines to impoverished nationsverybody pays.
One must keep in mind that once the vaccine is injected, there is little you can do to protect yourselft least by conventional medicine. It will mean a lifetime of crippling illness and early death.
There are much safer ways to protect oneself from this flu virus, such as higher doses of vitamin D3, selective immune enhancement using supplements, and a good diet.
Guys, I’m emailing you because I’m bloody
scared about something.
I created my facebook group for fun, and to use it to market my businesses to people. What I’m doing now totally kills my ability to do that, but I don’t care. This is important.
I’m a qualified pharmacist. I've been researching the swine flu vaccine that our government has bought for us (using our money, by the way) and
it’s DANGEROUS AS. It’s easy a hundred times more dangerous than the swine flu itself.
Something that freaked me out is that several swine flu vaccine manufacturers have asked governments to give them an exemption from lawsuits, in case the vaccine caused harm in people.
If you made a vaccine that you knew worked, then why would you need a legal exemption
in case it hurt people? Massive warning sign.
They don't believe it’s safe.
The swine flu itself has killed about 2/3000 people total.
The regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year - so why are we freaking out about swine
flu, and not normal flu? Does that make sense? No.
If the regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year, and the swine flu only killed 2/3 000 - then why are governments buying it in advance, giving it to us for free, and giving drug manufacturers immunity to legal cases against them?
Does that make sense? No.
The swine flu vaccine contains 2 horribly dangerous compounds - one is called thimerosol. It is made 50% of mercury. It binds to receptors in your brain, and basically causes brain damage. Is it smart to be
injected with thimerosol, and get brain damage, dropping 10 IQ points and going dumb, in order to avoid getting a flu that kills 95% less people than regular flu? no.
The other horrible in gredient is called squalene. Squalene accidentally tricks your immune system into killing your own cells, which creates
autoimmune diseases like asthma, multiple scelerosis, diabetes, and a
bunch of diseases that we don’t have a name for yet (because squalene hasn’t been used for that long, and we have little data on its effects) - is smart to inject yourself with that stuff, in order to avoid a relatively mild flu, like the swine flu? No.
If you're a pregnant mother about to take Panvax, ask yourself this -
why would you take Panvax, when it contains Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulphate - both of which exhibit positive risk to unborn children - so as to avoid what? A mild flu, that kills 95% fewer people than the regular flu?
Look, I’m a funny guy. Yeah, I make good face book groups. People join them by the thousands, and laugh. But I’m also a qualified pharmacist.
I scored in the top 0.1% of my state in school. I’m expert at critical analysis of drugs and their effects on humans. And let me be blunt – if someone came up to me with a syringe full of swine flu vaccine, or came near my family with one - I would take the needle off them and poke them with it myself - followed by several very hard punches.
This stuff is poison. Don't take it.
Don’t let your friends take it. Don't let your family take it. If some idiot in a lab coat asks you if you want it, ask them about thimerosol,
squalene, and why the company making it wants legal exemption from being
sued, and watch their face go into "omg im being asked serious questions that I don’t have the answer to" mode.
Anyway that’s all I have to say
George Mamouzellos
Bachelor of Pharmacy
University of South Australia
Subject: IMPORTANTswine flu information
Hi everyone...Dr. Russell Blaylock is a retired neurosurgeon.
Scroll down to read his article.. Also go to his website
(russellblaylockmd.com) and read his research summaries
on the general flu vaccine..
A collegue and friend just returned yesterday from a conference in Washington with the National vaccine Information Center . Please read this article and take it very seriously.
Dr. Jordan Plasker
An FYI on swine flu vaccine.
Please read and discuss with your doctor.
A friend sent me an email from Dr. Blaylock, which I have recopied below along with the link to his bio. I have also included the long article from his web site.
His email regarding the swine flu read:
"No one should take this vaccine - it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. The newsletter for August covers this and it may not be out yet. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). This virus H1N1 kills by causing a "cytokine storm", which means that it causes the body's immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have weakened immune systems) This vaccine is a very powerful immune stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality of the virus much greater.
One's best protection is vitamin D3...One should take 5000 IU a day now and when the disease begins to spread increase the dose to 15,000 IU a day. Vitamin D3 modulates the immune reaction, reducing the chance of an overreaction and stimulates the body to produce what are called antimicrobial peptides, which are powerful killers of viruses that does not involve immunity. This is dose related, which means the higher the dose of D3 the better the protection. Fish oils (the best is Carlson's Norwegian lemon flavored fish oil) also reduce immune overreaction. One teaspoon a day should be sufficient. For severe symptoms, one teaspoon twice a day. Antioxidants of various kinds also help.
Feel free to spread this around. People need to know to protect themselves.
http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/ (this is his bio)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dr. Russell Blaylock: Vaccine Maybe More Dangerous Than Flu
http://www.newsmax.com/health/vaccine_s ... 32717.html
Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 9:54 AM
By: Dr. Russell Blaylock
An outbreak of swine flu occurred in Mexico this spring that eventually affected 4,910 Mexican citizens and resulted in 85 deaths. By the time it spread to the United States , the virus caused only mild cases of flu-like illness.
Thanks to air travel and the failure of public health officials to control travel from Mexico , the virus spread worldwide. Despite predictions of massive numbers of deaths and the arrival of doomsday, the virus has remained a relatively mild disease, something we know happens each year with flu epidemics.
Worldwide, there have only been 311 deaths out of 70,893 cases of swine flu. In the United States , 27,717 cases have resulted in 127 deaths. Every death is a tragedy, but such a low death rate should not be the basis of a draconian government policy.
It is helpful to recall that the Centers for Disease Control with the collusion of the media, constantly tell us that 36,000 people die from the flu each year, a figure that has been shown to be a lie. In this case, we are talking about 300 plus deaths for the entire world.
This virus continues to be an enigma for virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virologist was quoted as saying,"Where the hell it got all these genes from we don't know." Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia . Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus.
Naturally, vaccine manufacturers have been in a competitive battle to produce the first vaccine. The main contenders have been Baxter Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, the latter of which recently acquired the scandal-ridden Chiron vaccine company. Both of these companies have had agreements with the World Health Organization to produce a pandemic vaccine.
The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, has had fast track approval. It uses a new vero cell technology, which utilizes cultured cells from the African green monkey. This same animal tissue transmits a number of vaccine-contaminating viruses, including the HIV virus.
The Baxter company has been associated with two deadly scandals. The first event occurred in 2006 when hemophiliac components were contaminated with HIV virus and injected in tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to release the HIV contaminated vaccine even after the contamination was known.
The second event occurred recently when it was discovered that Baxter had released a seasonal flu vaccine containing the bird flu virus, which would have produced a real world pandemic, to 18 countries. Fortunately, astute lab workers in the Czech Republic discovered the deadly combination and blew the whistle before a worldwide disaster was unleashed.
Despite these two deadly events, WHO maintains an agreement with Baxter Pharmaceuticals to produce the world's pandemic vaccine.
Novartis, the second contender, also has an agreement with WHO for a pandemic vaccine. Novartis appears to have won the contract, since their vaccine is near completion. What is terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients, called immune adjuvants that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.
Animal studies using this adjuvant have found them to be deadly. A study using 14 guinea pigs found that when they were injected with the special adjuvant, only one animal survived. A repeat of the study found the same deadly outcome.
So, what is this deadly ingredient? It is called squalene, a type of oil. The Chiron company, maker of the deadly anthrax vaccine, makes an adjuvant called MF-59 which contains two main ingredients of concernqualene and gp120. A number of studies have shown that squalene can trigger all of the above-mentioned autoimmune diseases when injected.
The MF-59 adjuvant has been used in several vaccines. These vaccines, including tetanus and diphtheria, are the same vaccines frequently associated with adverse reactions.
I reviewed a number of studies on this adjuvant and found something quite interesting. Several studies done on human test subjects found MF-59 to be a very safe immune adjuvant. But when I checked to see who did these studies, I foundo no surprisehat they were done by the Novartis Pharmaceutical Company and Chiron Pharmaceutical Company, which have merged. They were all published in "prestigious" medical journals. Also, to no surprise, a great number of studies done by independent laboratories and research institutions all found a strong link between MF-59 and autoimmune diseases.
Squalene in vaccines has been strongly linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. On August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart's inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease)..
Because squalene, the main ingredient in MF-59, can induce hyperimmune responses and induce autoimmunity, a real danger exists for prolonged activation of the brain's immune cells, the microglia. This type of prolonged activation has been strongly associated with such diseases as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ALS and possibly vaccine-related encephalitis. It has been shown that activation of the systemic immune system, as occurs with vaccination, rapidly activates the brain's microglia at the same time, and this brain inflammation can persist for long periods.
So, how would the gp120 get into the brain? Studies of other immune adjuvants using careful tracer techniques have shown that they routinely enter the brain following vaccination. What most people do not know, even the doctors who recommend the vaccines, is that most such studies by pharmaceutical companies observe the patients for only one to two weeks following vaccinationhese types of reactions may take months or even years to manifest.
It is obvious that the vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions of dollars in profits from this WHO/government-promoted pandemic. Novartis, the maker of the new pandemic vaccine, recently announced that they would not give free vaccines to impoverished nationsverybody pays.
One must keep in mind that once the vaccine is injected, there is little you can do to protect yourselft least by conventional medicine. It will mean a lifetime of crippling illness and early death.
There are much safer ways to protect oneself from this flu virus, such as higher doses of vitamin D3, selective immune enhancement using supplements, and a good diet.
Лучший канал по иммиграции и адаптации в Канаде: https://www.youtube.com/c/GeorgeK_Canada
Telegram: https://t.me/George_K_Canada
Telegram: https://t.me/George_K_Canada
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
У него мать врач. Ни он, ни его мать, ни вообще кто-либо из его семьи прививку эту делать не собирается.
Чеснок, витамин С и немного витамина Д3 хорошо для профилактики.
Мыть руки почаще, полоскать горло хотя бы просто теплой соленой водой, вычищать нос раствором не помню чего, но и просто соленая вода подойдет.
Все, больше они ничего делать не собираются.
Вообще говоря, по его словам, этот свайн флю даже менее опасен, чем ежегодный обычный грипп. Это же следует из приведенной подборки писем. А вот прививка опасна. На мозги даже эффект имеет.
Чеснок, витамин С и немного витамина Д3 хорошо для профилактики.
Мыть руки почаще, полоскать горло хотя бы просто теплой соленой водой, вычищать нос раствором не помню чего, но и просто соленая вода подойдет.
Все, больше они ничего делать не собираются.
Вообще говоря, по его словам, этот свайн флю даже менее опасен, чем ежегодный обычный грипп. Это же следует из приведенной подборки писем. А вот прививка опасна. На мозги даже эффект имеет.
Лучший канал по иммиграции и адаптации в Канаде: https://www.youtube.com/c/GeorgeK_Canada
Telegram: https://t.me/George_K_Canada
Telegram: https://t.me/George_K_Canada
Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Это уже гуляет по укроСМИ: 6 правил, как не заболеть свиным гриппом от врачей из Канады:
1. Два раза в день полощите горло теплой соленой водой или слабым раствором перекиси водорода. После инфицирования носоглотки вирусу H1N1 требуется 2–3 дня для дальнейшего распространения в организме, после чего появляются характерные симптомы заболевания. Обычное полоскание предотвратит дальнейшее проникновение вируса. В определенной степени полоскание солевым раствором оказывает на здорового человека такой же эффект, как препарат «Тамифлю» на больного. Не стоит недооценивать этот простой, дешевый и в то же время достаточно результативный метод профилактики.
2. Не реже одного раза в день промывайте нос теплой соленой водой или раствором перекиси водорода. Прочищайте носовые проходы, часто сморкайтесь. Регулярно смачивайте внутреннюю поверхность ноздрей ватным тампоном, смоченным в соленом растворе. Этот метод весьма эффективен для снижения численности вирусной популяции.
3. Пейте как можно больше жидкости в теплом виде (особенно хороша вода с лимоном). Это столь же эффективно, как и полоскание горла: вода смывает вирусы из глотки в желудок – в среду, в которой они не смогут выжить и размножиться.
4. Повышайте естественный иммунитет, употребляйте как можно больше продуктов, богатых витамином С. Если вы принимаете витамин С в таблетках, убедитесь, что в состав препарата входит цинк, необходимый для усвоения этого витамина.
5. Заведите себе правило: «Руки прочь от лица!». Ни в коем случае не поддавайтесь искушению коснуться его руками.
6. Как можно чаще мойте руки
и ... Наглядная агитация:
P.S.: а по поводу ситуации в ЗУ, то, как бы это помягче сказать, чтобы никого не обидеть...
Лучше ссылку кину, так будет максимально политкорректно: кому это выгодно.
1. Два раза в день полощите горло теплой соленой водой или слабым раствором перекиси водорода. После инфицирования носоглотки вирусу H1N1 требуется 2–3 дня для дальнейшего распространения в организме, после чего появляются характерные симптомы заболевания. Обычное полоскание предотвратит дальнейшее проникновение вируса. В определенной степени полоскание солевым раствором оказывает на здорового человека такой же эффект, как препарат «Тамифлю» на больного. Не стоит недооценивать этот простой, дешевый и в то же время достаточно результативный метод профилактики.
2. Не реже одного раза в день промывайте нос теплой соленой водой или раствором перекиси водорода. Прочищайте носовые проходы, часто сморкайтесь. Регулярно смачивайте внутреннюю поверхность ноздрей ватным тампоном, смоченным в соленом растворе. Этот метод весьма эффективен для снижения численности вирусной популяции.
3. Пейте как можно больше жидкости в теплом виде (особенно хороша вода с лимоном). Это столь же эффективно, как и полоскание горла: вода смывает вирусы из глотки в желудок – в среду, в которой они не смогут выжить и размножиться.
4. Повышайте естественный иммунитет, употребляйте как можно больше продуктов, богатых витамином С. Если вы принимаете витамин С в таблетках, убедитесь, что в состав препарата входит цинк, необходимый для усвоения этого витамина.
5. Заведите себе правило: «Руки прочь от лица!». Ни в коем случае не поддавайтесь искушению коснуться его руками.
6. Как можно чаще мойте руки
и ... Наглядная агитация:
P.S.: а по поводу ситуации в ЗУ, то, как бы это помягче сказать, чтобы никого не обидеть...
Лучше ссылку кину, так будет максимально политкорректно: кому это выгодно.
Всё будет, стоит только расхотеть...
- vadimus
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Re: Свиногрипп...пандемия или бизнес?
Во Львове дезинфицируют улицы. Об этом «Обозревателю» сообщили по телефону из Львова.
По словам львовян именно сейчас улицы «поливают какой-то химией». Жителям запретили во время дезинфекции выходить на улицы и открывать окна – об этом их предупредили по местному радио.