First of all, why use the word "sluts"? I think prostitutes deserve our respect. If I were female, I would definitely do that on the side (or do it full time and retire at 35). With their compensation being what it is, there is no rational reason for a woman not to do this, and no rational reason for people not to respect the prostitutes as much as people respect others who make over $200 per hour.Money (spending) injected through sluts generates tenfolds into Canadian economy, comparable to the trade which is constantly hampered unilaterally by the administration.
I believe that the definition of "having a job" is "prostitute yourself". So it all comes down to the price that one can charge for one's services.
[I read that just before the Olympics, there were ads in Vancouver newspapers and on Craig's List, asking Vancouver's women whether they were interested in earning $30,000 in 2 weeks. Men can be dumb! How can one allow himself to be exploited like that?!]
Second of all, my uneducated guess is that the money spent on prostitutes represents less than 1% of our exports. So...