ЧитаемSergey wrote:Если почитать комментарии к этой новости на каком-нибудь ...англоязычном,
weewoozesty 11 minutes ago
so fuck you and your ignorant bullshit. i was actualy there 4 streetcars down from the whole incident.. not just what you see on a 2 minute video.... the incident took place over half an hour beyond this between constant demanding to put the knife down to the kid yet again waving the knife at the police completely ignoring the cops. dont judge a incident by what you see on a 2 minute video when the whole incident took place longer than half an hour.
lam0bot 2 hours ago
You are told you should be thankful to those cops for shooting the bastard and showing off example to others that they will be acting decisive. And Russia was brought as an example what you get if have inept police force. No comprendo? Was I clear enough or do you need more help understanding that simple idea, terrorist-lover?
Can`t help but love how aggresive you are defending some prick whos been threatening people with knife.
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nova4562678 2 hours ago
Lots of good and innocent people die every single day, cry and feel sorry for them. Don't worry about this piece of shit Syrian wannabe thug gangster. To hell with him. His parents should have raised their son better, he was a cockroach nothing but a public nuisance. If he would have tried this shit in an Arab country the shurta(cops) would have beat him to a bloody pulp. You will never see these thug Arab youth talk shit to cops in Saudi Arabia. Canadian cops are too nice.
nova4562678 2 hours ago
Sorry , cops did the right thing . Take out a knife , threaten people, refuse orders from police = good chance you can be shot. One less trouble making piece of shit on the streets of Toronto.