+1Я ... не чувствую, что я "жру дерьмо, живу в дерьме и лечусь дерьмом".
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Re: Все видели?
А мне церемония открытия очень понравилась.
Спорить со мной бесполезно. Я редко бываю в Интернете 

Re: Все видели?
Совковое мышление - это самое последнее из того, что можно (если вообще что-либо можно) было бы предъявить Олегу. У Олега - 100% канадское мышление. Совковое - у меня.
Re: Все видели?
Ванкуверская Олимпиада - это канадский национальный позор. Начиная от насильно отнятой у индейцев земли, на которой проводятся игры, до педерастической формы факела.TeploVsem wrote:А мне церемония открытия очень понравилась.
Re: Все видели?
Are you saying that Siberia is not part of Russia? Russia, should be just the land surrounding Kiev, right?Начиная от насильно отнятой у индейцев земли
As well, what if there was only, say, 100 people, or one family living in the entire North America. Does that mean that they would get to own all of that land, and everyone else would have to stay on their continent?
You are ignoring human history. I am pretty sure that a very small fraction of humans live on the land that hasn't been invaded at some point in the past (i.e., land that hasn't had owners in the distant past that lost the land as a result of a battle).
Of course none of the present day Canadians had any part of any invasion. They were born here, and it is their land. In fact, there is more to a country than land.
Last edited by Oleg on Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Все видели?
I respectfully disagree with you about the torch. IMHO choosing an "inukshuk" as the symbol of the games, is an insult to all Canadians, though.педерастической формы факела
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Re: Все видели?
Я говорю о весьма конкретном случае проведения Олимпийских игр на насильно отнятой (не купленной) земле. На землях Сибири, отвоёванных российскими казаками у коренного населения, Олимпийские никогда не проводились и в обозримом будущем едва ли будут проводиться.Oleg wrote:I respectfully disagree with you about the torch. IMHO choosing an "inukshuk" as the symbol of the games, is an insult to all Canadians, though.педерастической формы факела
Факел сделали хотя бы прямым, по честному. А то форма его уж очень напоминает поговорку о хитрой жопе.
Last edited by Nikola on Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Все видели?
I edited my earlier post. In case you didn't notice it, I will post the new text below:
"As well, what if there was only, say, 100 people, or one family living in the entire North America. Does that mean that they would get to own all of that land, and everyone else would have to stay on their continent?
You are ignoring human history. I am pretty sure that a very small fraction of humans live on the land that hasn't been invaded at some point in the past (i.e., the land that hasn't had owners in the distant past who lost the land as a result of a battle).
Of course none of the present day Canadians had any part in any invasion. They were born here, and it is their land. In fact, there is more to a country than land."
"As well, what if there was only, say, 100 people, or one family living in the entire North America. Does that mean that they would get to own all of that land, and everyone else would have to stay on their continent?
You are ignoring human history. I am pretty sure that a very small fraction of humans live on the land that hasn't been invaded at some point in the past (i.e., the land that hasn't had owners in the distant past who lost the land as a result of a battle).
Of course none of the present day Canadians had any part in any invasion. They were born here, and it is their land. In fact, there is more to a country than land."
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Re: Все видели?
Почему-то вспомнился какой-то эпизод из КВН "Там из Золотой Орды звонят - спрашивают, когда дань платить будем!" 

Life's hard, get a helmet!

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Газета региона Китченер-Ватерлоо "Вестник Трёх Городов"
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Re: Все видели?
That's brilliant! 

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Re: Все видели?
You are talking about undisputed possible cases in general, somewhere on earth. However, modern legal claims exist in this particular case and they can only be ignored by this arrogant government based on dual standards.Oleg wrote:I edited my earlier post. In case you didn't notice it, I will post the new text below:
"As well, what if there was only, say, 100 people, or one family living in the entire North America. Does that mean that they would get to own all of that land, and everyone else would have to stay on their continent?
You are ignoring human history. I am pretty sure that a very small fraction of humans live on the land that hasn't been invaded at some point in the past (i.e., the land that hasn't had owners in the distant past who lost the land as a result of a battle).
Of course none of the present day Canadians had any part in any invasion. They were born here, and it is their land. In fact, there is more to a country than land."
Re: Все видели?
These claims are equivalent to the claims of Gold Horde, in the joke above. As well, if Canadian government is expected to pay for the land, why are the plaintiffs not expected to pay for roads, access to hospitals, and other benefits that they received as a result of what happened all of those years ago?However, modern legal claims exist in this particular case
Моё сообщение на английском, потому что мне легче и быстрее печатать на английском.
Re: Все видели?
увы, Олег, заявившего (и всех повторяющих) сию блестящую мыслю можно сравнить разве что только с солистом Расторгуевым, ныне депутатом Госдумы, распевающим во всё горло о том, что "Екатерина, ты была неправа", уступив Аляску Соединённым Штатам. Если у кого при этом не отвисает челюсть, то тот может продолжать рассуждения о Золотой Орде.Oleg wrote:That's brilliant!
Re: Все видели?
The reason I think the analogy is valid, is that in both cases we have present day people trying to take advantage of events centuries in the past that they had nothing to do with.
I also like how you conveniently didn't address the other point in my last post, as well as the analogy of 100 people somehow owning the continent of North America.
I also like how you conveniently didn't address the other point in my last post, as well as the analogy of 100 people somehow owning the continent of North America.
Моё сообщение на английском, потому что мне легче и быстрее печатать на английском.
Re: Все видели?
о чём таком вы говорите, Олег? Канада, подобно Золотой Орде - государственное образование, не имеющее не только конституции, но и даже никакого отвечающего духу времени соглашения провинций, которое могло бы её заменить.Oleg wrote:These claims are equivalent to the claims of Gold Horde, in the joke above. As well, if Canadian government is expected to pay for the land, why are the plaintiffs not expected to pay for roads, access to hospitals, and other benefits that they received as a result of what happened all of those years ago?However, modern legal claims exist in this particular case
Re: Все видели?
I am not sure what you are talking about. (Why are you saying that Canada doesn't have a constitution? We got one in 1867, and got a new one in 1982.)о чём таком вы говорите, Олег?
I was talking about the benefits of the modern technology.
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Re: Все видели?
Я что, обязан на всё отвечать? Тем более, если я в корне не согласен с самой постановкой вопроса?Oleg wrote:The reason I think the analogy is valid, is that in both cases we have present day people trying to take advantage of events centuries in the past that they had nothing to do with.
I also like how you conveniently didn't address the other point in my last post, as well as the analogy of 100 people somehow owning the continent of North America.
Re: Все видели?
You don't have to do anything.
But I thought we were having an argument. I was interested in how one could Possibly defend what you said you believed in. Since you didn't explain what you think is wrong with some of my arguments, I guess that means that it is impossible to use logic to disprove those particular arguments.
But I thought we were having an argument. I was interested in how one could Possibly defend what you said you believed in. Since you didn't explain what you think is wrong with some of my arguments, I guess that means that it is impossible to use logic to disprove those particular arguments.
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Re: Все видели?
I can say the exact same thing to those plaintiffs.я в корне не согласен с самой постановкой вопроса
To use a more accurate analogy, the case that those plaintiffs have is as valid as the case the Russians would have, had they demanded to be reimbursed for the things the Mongolians did in Russia centuries ago.
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Re: Все видели?
Я конечно извиняюсь, но Вы то зачем в "дерьмо" ввязались?Бойцовый кролик wrote:Я понял. Жрать дерьмо, жить в дерьме и лечиться дерьмом - это видимо и есть канадский стиль жизни...Зато дешево...