I think a good analogy isТутта писал(а):пример из жизни (не буду упоминать, о какой КРУПНОЙ фарма-компании идет речь):
ведущий заседания на тему долгосрочной стратегии компании: "так какова же наша ультимативная долгосрочная цель?"
один из участников (иронично): "find the cure?"
все участники гогочут
It is funny because that answer is Obvious, but at the same time it is not informative. The person who asked the question was looking for a non-trivial answer such as "get a patent for X", or "investigate the possibility Y".Q: What is our ultimate goal?
A: Become rich?
everyone laughs
The phrase "find a cure" is also funny because it is a cliche, almost like the phrase "save the world".
So another good analogy is
If Zero/Odumba were to say this, people would definitely laugh. They would not be laughing because they know that this is not the goal.American Politician: What is our ultimate goal?
Obama: Save the world!
В правильно устроенном обществе делать свое дело качественно должно быть выгодно. Когда-то я в силу своей наивности и недостатка информации полагал, что именно так работает капитализм. Ошибался.
I believe totally in a Capitalist System, I only wish that someone would try it.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Capitalism ceased to exist in 1929 (except in places like Hong Kong, where it existed until 1980's). Ayn Rand was a libertarian (like me). It is my understanding that libertarians have never actually been in power anywhere.
I believe that in the quote below, the word "democracy" could be replaced by the world "capitalism"
Aside, as I was looking for the quote above, I stumbled onto another statement made by Churchill, that I liked, and that is somewhat relevant:Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
Sir Winston Churchill
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Why are you planning to come to Canada?!?!?!!????????А по поводу всего общества могу сказать, что основная проблема в том, что все ставят на первое место прибыль...
If you want to live in a country where the government shares your view of the world, you need to try to move to North Korea or Cuba.