Олег, вы наверняка знаете, что инвесторов интересует исключительно ROI, а не то, что придумал учёный. А venture capitalists хотят всё даром (и имеют для этого основания, так как на практике часто удаётся автора идеи "раздеть").
Using this argument, you shouldn't deal with any person in Canada. The grocery store doesn't want to give you food in exchange for your money, they just want your money, etc, etc.
Countless inventions have been brought to the market. And the Prime Minister wasn't involved.
Кроие того, многие серьёзные работы и патенты закрыты не только для публики, но для учёных своего круга, как по государственным (безопасность), так и по коммерческим (коммерческая тайна) соображениям. В таких случаях часто даже невозможно установить приоритет, пока это не станет достоянием общественности (и даже в таких случаях остаются сомнения: например, летали американцы на Луну или всё отсняли на секретном полигоне в Неваде).
You are right. Not all inventions are feasible. Just because you have a good idea, doesn't mean you will be able to implement it. This is the difference between good ideas and great ideas.
Вы, в общем-то, ответили на вопрос: нужны ли Канаде талантливые иммигранты и их интеллектуальный багаж?
Canada needs talented immigrants who will follow Canadian rules, that apply to all people living in Canada. Canada does NOT need some idiot to come here and to expect people (including the Prime Minister) to bend over backwards trying to implement his ideas, and trying to make him rich.
A Canadian would not expect the Prime Minister (or anyone else) to help him. Ok, he might expect to receive help, in exchange for giving up 95% of the future profits (which would be a wonderful deal - invest nothing yourself, and then receive 5% of the return on millions of dollars).
I don't think there is a country in the world, where anyone in his or her right mind would expect anything else. [USSR used to help their inventors, but of course the government would then take 100% of the profits.] All countries use the patent system. If the Prime Minister were to waste his time on doing the job of the patent office, then countless nutcases would ask for his help. Moreover, some people would then expect him to do the job of other government agencies. This is insane!
Проблему полугласной закрытости профессиональных организаций ощущают многие профессионально подготовленные иммигранты. (Не секрет, что за последнее десятилетие иммиграция в Канаде из беженской стала в основном профессиональной).
Например, членом Ордена инженеров Квебека автоматически становится любой молодой выпускник 4-годичной Политехнической Школы (École Polytechnique), никогда не работавший, в то время как для опытного инженера-иммигранта с большим опытом работы и послужным списком и даже изобретениями надо сдавать на новом для него языке 3-4 экзамена, по объёму сравнимых с государственными в советских университетах и превышающих соответствующие экзамены для кончающих монреальский Политех, не считая языкового (в Квебеке - французский). Причём делать это пытаться можно только два раза в год, стоит это сотни (а где-то и тысячи долларов, включая т.наз. "открытие досье"), а всё это время ведь надо ещё и жить, и работать где-то. Если не заниматься к ним по 8 часов день на голову, не обременнённую заботами, то об успешной сдаче можно и не помышлять.
One has a choice - either graduate from École Polytechnique, or write a hard exam. The exam has to be harder, because you didn't study at a North American university. Obviously foreign credentials can be easily bought, or forged.
To find out what happens when they relax these regulations, look no further than the recent scandal in Newfoundland and Labrador:
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ ... ealth/home
"the college, along with the Canadian Association of Pathologists, is increasingly concerned about the fact many of them haven't been certified by the college, considered by many to be the highest standard for pathology training in Canada.
"I think we've relaxed the rules tremendously in the last five years," said Jagdish Butany, president of the association of pathologists. "I personally think that's something we should rethink."
To work in a hospital laboratory, pathologists must first qualify for a licence from a provincial body, such as the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Most provinces require that in addition to medical training, clinical experience and other professional criteria, pathologists also be certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, which offers rigorous training and examinations in pathology and other medical specialties.
However, a shortage of pathologists in Canada that has been
worsening in recent years has persuaded many provinces to relax rules in order to grant licences to internationally trained pathologists who haven't been certified by the college. In many cases, foreign pathologists may be licensed to work after being evaluated in a hands-on setting as a way to ease the shortage and help take advantage of their skills."
As a result: "More than 100 women have died after receiving inaccurate results on a critical breast cancer screening test, health authorities in Newfoundland revealed yesterday" "Yesterday's announcement marked the first time the government has revealed how many women who received faulty results have since died, but no one will ever know how many would have lived if their results had been right the first time. The government said 275 women who received inaccurate test results are still alive, and many patients involved in the scandal say receiving faulty results has had devastating consequences on their lives."
The funny/shocking part is how difficult it was for me to find a newspaper story that mentions the reason for this tragedy. Check out the story below, for example. It never mentions the reason...
http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/cance ... nosed.html
Рынок инженерного труда защищён от иммигрантов надёжно.
Yes, it is protected from those who just want to become a professional without having to study like everyone else. If you are willing to spend a couple of years studying, you will be fine. If you do what the system requires you to do, you will get rewarded. If you don't, you won't be rewarded.
Моё сообщение на английском, потому что мне легче и быстрее печатать на английском.