Сталин не есть мой кумир, но говорить, что он создал тяжелые экономические условия во время и после войны..... мдя...
To me the above sounds like "but to say that the Earth is a sphere... мдя... "
А можно поподробнее какими методами он это сделал?
I am not talking about Stalin. I am talking about Bolsheviks.
To answer your question - they implemented a socialist system instead of implementing a normal, capitalist system. If you want examples then it would have to be collectivization (I realize that it took place before the war, but obviously it had an impact into 1980s), repressions, and restrictions on private enterprise.
пробабка моя пахала на себе добровольно, никто рядом с кнутом не стоял, просто она понимала, что для армии и для победы нужен хлеб, и она выращивала его.
I thought that you were talking about things that happened to your family AFTER the war. Are you saying the conditions before the war, and from 1945 to 1955 were good?
Она совершала свой маленький подвиг во имя победы, дура наверное была, думала не о себе, а о стране.
I am sorry to say, but if she REALLY thought the way she was being brainwashed to think, then Yes - that's messed up. She should be pitied.
I suspect that she was aware of people's lives being ruined over koloski, etc. She knew that she didn't have a choice. I guess she was too frightened to tell her kids what was on her mind. Of course, if my hypothesis is not true, then the fact that she believed the bullshit that the people who were exploiting her wanted her to believe, is sad and depressing.
простой деревенской, не обиженной на Сталина, любивших свою Родину такую, какой она была...
Are you saying that nobody in their village was arrested for no reason? Are you saying that the successful peasants in their village were not branded kulaks? Is it the case that they didn't have to black out people's faces in group photographs? If all of that is true, then I ought to take back the statements that I made above.
И еще интересно а какие должны были быть экономические условия во время и сразу после войны??
My point is that they were bad even Before the war.
Вы понимаете, что народ это делал добровольно, добровольно на себе пахали, работали до изнеможенья на заводах,
Then how do you explain "Zagrad Otryadi"?!? Are you saying that those people who were forced to run through a mine field (the survivors were rounded up and sent to run through the next mine field) were doing it because they loved their Rodina?
Не спорю были и штрафбаты и загранотряды, неумелые и просто бездарные командиры посылающие сотнями бойцов на ненужную смерть, но победили благодаря тому, что вся страна встала на свою защиту, не из под кнута а из сознания,
How can you say that?! The text in red font is a DIRECT contradiction to the text in the blue font.
Кстати вы так и не ответили, а что по вашему мнению, сделал бы Гитлер с Советским Союзом, победив в этой войне?
It would have been HORRIBLE. The people would be exploited and literally treated like slaves. People would not have Any human rights. The authorities would be able to murder anyone they wanted and for any reason (including his or her family). In other words, it would be Exactly the way life was under Stalin before and after the war. I guess under Stalin you could join the Party, write donosi, do unthinkable things, and have a chance of becoming part of the elite. This would have been somewhat harder to do under Hitler, as most of the elite would be German. Can you think of any other differences?
зачем тысячами гнали на работы в Германию
What do you think working in a kolhoz was like? In other words, how different was the life of a person in a 1930's kolhoz from the life of the same person working in Germany? If there were differences (my uneducated guess is that there were none, but I didn't look into it), then obvously there were more people who were "гнали на работы в " GULAG labour camps, then the people who were sent to Germany. So what is the difference?!
В Ленинграде в первую зиму блокады, каждый день от голода умирали 2000-3000 человек, и родные, в лучшем случае, могли их только до общей могилы довезти...
Have you ever considered that he could have let the Germans Take Leningrad? If they were to move the fleet, then the only remaining reason to starve all of those people to death was the fact that the city had the letters that spelled "Lenin" in its name.
И в этом естественно виновато руководство страны
You don't think so?!
он был лидером под руководством которого страна победила. Это факт.
True. But you are ignoring things like the cost (in terms of casualties), and statistics such as "X Red Army causalties for each German casualty", where X is much larger than 1. There are other reasons. The occupation of Eastern Europe, the Rapes (if that has actually happened) are some of these reasons.
Моё сообщение на английском, потому что мне легче и быстрее печатать на английском.